All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedover 15 years ago
a popular spot in a quiet corner of the city centre. as you can see on the map its very close to exeter central station.
confirmationover 15 years ago
Not for everyone. You cant just drop by and paint. Have to submit a design for the centre to approve first.
confirmationover 14 years ago
Then if the Council, Arts Centre Staff,Art Centre Customers,General Public,Dossers,Smack Heads,Wankers,Piss Heads,Kevs and Shirleys,Farmers,Chavs,Yocals,Sea Gulls and the ever Faithfull Mayor Of Exeter approve your design then your luck is in. Good luck Ted Barber
confirmationover 14 years ago
But please always do ask permission first. As you would not want to be disturbed by the local law enforcers. And given a stiff and stern warning about the consequences of doing "CRIMINAL DAMAGE"...It could seriously ruin your life. Read about Mayor of London Boris Johnson's personal graffiti hell in his critically acclaimed auto biography. In chapter three Boris tells about how as a teenager he was nearly lead astray by punks daubing graffiti on the his local town hall in 1977.Urged on by the punks Boris nearly joined in to daub the town hall luckily his old friend Terry Fudge was passing by and reminded him of the true values of Great Britain and having respect for property and traditional customs and not yobbery and barbarian behaviour that had become the fashion of the day.Boris quickly saw the light and urged the Punks to stop they took no notice and even went on to punch Boris in the face. Boris turned his back on the punks and walked away despite the pain he felt he was grateful Terry Fudge had saved him from daubing the town hall.Even today as Mayor of London Boris faithfully recalls that day when he almost became degenerate and undesirable which even though he did not realise it could have cost him the chance to be Londons Mayor. Please take note from Boris and think before you spray. Many thanks Ted Barber
confirmationabout 13 years ago
can confirm you have to "submit" a design and then they will allocate you wall space. couldnt believe my ears. total waste of time and destroying the point of graff. boycott it. E
confirmationalmost 12 years ago
Hi guys please note that the Graffitti garden is strictly by appointment only. You are welcome to use the space but must book in with the Box Office first.The garden is availble infrequently so do call beforehand to avoid disapointment.Those who come without permission may jeopordise the use of the garden for others, so please be considerate. Many thanks Exeter Phoenix
confirmationalmost 11 years ago
please note- the garden space at the rear of exeter phoenix is a PRIVATE space. NOT public. it is a fire exit and subsequently needs to be kept clear and in good order at all times. we welcome artists to work in that space, provided it is by APPOINTMENT ONLY. i.e. pop in and ask for a time slot or to use the space, sign in and carry on. after months of repeated break ins over night, the damage to our cctv camera, staff benches and general mis-use of the area, we have reached the stage where we have to impliment measures to enforce these rules. we use this space for a range of projects, and have plans to use this area permanently in the near future. the rear gate is a fire exit gate and is kept shut. if anyone is found in that space without prior permission from exeter phoenix, they will be treated as trespassers and be asked to leave. thanks. EXETER phoenix.
Is this wall still safe to paint?