
Legal graffiti wall in Feltham, United Kingdom


Easy to get to, there is a fence you can hop over down the alleyway alongside the motorway. Huge space. Tolerated. Photos: farm9.staticflickr.com/8195/8365206643_f8aac58cfb_z.jpg farm9.staticflickr.com/8497/8366284164_975f06aec8_z.jpg farm8.staticflickr.com/7058/7080092009_1cbe2209a8_z.jpg

Private property

Seems legit

it doesnt exist anymore and it has been moved to nearby land for the time being. what exists is just a few bits that smell

Who ever said this place doesn't exist is stupid, it does & it gets painted regularly, very good spot.

Good place not sure if it's safe but I will try to do something there sometime

Search #unigate on Instagram for photos

Went there today to paint 1st October 2020 feds pulled up said its not legal at this time but council waiting for ok from thames water our details got took as when i refused they said they will arrest me for criminal damage been there couple times before no issues but i also noticed a few cameras around perimeters that wasn't there before so keep ur eyes open.

Illegal and being monitored regularly

Chill spot, not an issue painting here as of recently.

Not 100% legal, but it's been painted for years and never had any issues there. Just don't act like an idiot or cause any issues.

Is this wall still safe to paint?