Mur Quai de Valmy

Legal graffiti wall in Paris, France


Un petit mur bien sympathique qui change assez souvent.

Still exists, but completely covered with posters, some silver throw-ups. The wall is very good visible, but the quality of the wall is baddd

Still up. Legality is dubious though. Slow turnover, bad quality. Painted it for a couple of hours and heard varying opinions. Take care!

It's still safe to paint. I think it's 100% legal in the meantime. Painted there for quit some time and nobody said anything about it.

100%Legal. Quality of the wall IS not good. Also a lot of people stopping you plus a lot of homeless .not the BEST wall for chilling.

Coming from Germany I had a great time spraying at this wall. Its next to a pretty big Street so there will be a lot of people seeing your piece. Only downside: the wall only has enough room for 3 pieces.

Never been a legal wall but graffiti is a whole mood in this neighborhood so u won’t have any problem

Toujours carré ce mur, juste la terrasse qui peu être cassé couille des fois

I was going to draw there yesterday, but there was a big graffiti for the whole building and it was impossible to make something.

Ist nicht riesieg nette lage man kommt mit leuten ins gespräch aber wenn man ruhig malen will nicht der beste ort

Is this wall still safe to paint?