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addedalmost 11 years ago
A wall on the side of a bridge. Easy to find, places to park and safe. The only hassle you'll get there is from the hippies who live in the houses behind it. The wall is about 50ft long but it slops down to a point so only the first 30ft is worth painting. It is glossed brick so the paint doesn't get soaked in. It is quite a nice area to have a cider and enjoy the heat while in the shade of the trees.
confirmationabout 6 years ago
Awesome wall, it is slightly hidden from people walking past and the people in the houses don’t seem to mind. Probably one of the safest walls, it’s quite uneven and there are some holes but it’s not a huge problem.
confirmationover 3 years ago
Decent wall- didn't get hassled as slightly hidden away.
confirmation3 months ago
Still legal
confirmation3 months ago
this is really good place to paint sometimes i h8 it
Is this wall still safe to paint?