All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedover 12 years ago
in rue henri nogueres, good spot, painted for hours in the middle of the day, spoke to a local and a woman in the opposite business who said it was legal. good spot, 60ish meters long. E.
confirmationover 12 years ago
Not a legal wall. But it's pretty safe to paint. Got the cops on me ones. They let me go since i wasn't from around.
confirmationover 11 years ago
Completely legal. Nice spot, small and big walls, almost next to a canal, good atmosphere.
confirmationabout 11 years ago
painted 4 hours at day, no problems August/2013
reportalmost 9 years ago
2016 : No posible anymore! The policy came to shut us off! Was virulent!
confirmationabout 8 years ago
2016 c tranquil
confirmationabout 8 years ago
j'y ai peint début février, aucun problème, deux autres personnes étaient là.
Is this wall still safe to paint?