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addedover 15 years ago
Pretty large Wall in Braunsfeld Cologne. See a pic here, thats not the whole wall though: It should be noted that although this wall was painted by lots of people throughout the years without any problems it was never declared legal by the local authorities. It belongs to some very old abandoned buildings which no one seems to care about. The police was there a few times looking at the people that painted (during festivals) but they never did anything. In germany we say that its "gedulded", as no one takes action against the painting. There is a "wagendorf" nearby with people that should be able to tell you if anything has changed about the legality.
confirmationover 15 years ago
2009 October 3 saturday i was there, nice location for graffiti! Watch out for the big dog from the "wagendorf" when you walk to the end of the long wall!
confirmationover 14 years ago
attention: a large part of the walls there are illegal by now only one of them is still legal - It is a large wall and it is a pretty nice one, but make sure you dont paint anywhere you should not. Ask the locals or other painters there.
reportover 14 years ago
Erbengemeinschaft Schrottplatz Köln Braunsfeld, zwischen Alsdorfer Straße, Bahntrasse und Stolberger Straße, verbietet das Betreten des Privatgeländes. Sprayen ausdrücklich nicht erlaubt. Quelle:
reportover 14 years ago
Wall seems not to be legal anymore due to damage to property and littering.
confirmationover 14 years ago
Wegbeschreibung: KVB Linie 13 bis Oskar-Jäger-str. / rein in die Oskar-Jäger,nach 200m links in die Stolbergerstr./ nach ca. 500m am Schild: "Kölner Weinhandel" rechts,noch ca. 150m-voilà Kiosk und Tanke an der Oskar-Jäger-str. Status:Privatbesitz,geduldet,nicht offiziell Seit: Bestimmt über 10 Jahren,es bestehen Abrisspläne ,wahrscheinlich frühestens Sommer 2009 Wandfläche: Glatter Beton/Backstein/Diverse , Vorne bröckelt`s etwas... Wandhöhe: Verschiedene Größen bis ca. 5m Länge/Fläche: k. A. Beachten: Müll mitnehmen,Dosen aufstechen/entsorgen, Caps entsorgen Keine Bauwägen oder parkende Autos bemalen-fragt einfach die Bauwagenplatzbewohner falls ihr einen Wagen bemalen wollt. Seit nett zu Ihnen,dann sind sie auch nett und leihen euch vielleicht sogar ne Leiter. Weitere Bilder:
confirmationalmost 12 years ago
Still legal in 2013. The large wall is legal. A lot of good burners.
reportover 6 years ago
Dear legalwalls-team, dear painters, this specific wall in Köln/Cologne Braunsfeld is claimed legal on this website. This, however, is not the case; spraying here is illegal for everyone. The community of heirs to whom this wall rightfully belongs strictly forbids any ongoing paintings on that wall and will not hesitate to send the police if they notice any actions there. We kindly ask the sprayers to stop spraying/painting on the wall and the legalwalls-team to tag this wall as illegal on this website. Sincerely, Potthast Rechtsanwälte (solicitors)
confirmationabout 3 years ago
Wall is still legal.. Been painting here for years and never had any problems.
confirmation3 months ago
Painted today with no problems, very chill. Large wall on a muddy path with lots of puddles, bring good boots in the winter !
Is this wall still safe to paint?