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addedover 9 years ago
The legal graffiti spot is in the bicycle and pedestrian tunnel under the N11 (near the border of the Ommedijkseweg Zoeterwoude-Dorp and Zoeterwoude-Rijndijk) In early 2010, the College of B & W after a trial period of more than 1.5 years decided to give the Zoeterwoudse graffiti tunnel a permanent legal status. Only the WALLS in the INDOOR section of the tunnel are legal. The walls outside are NOT legal, as are the ceiling, lighting, floor, etc.. Also, you have to clean your own waste, can't write offensive or racist slogans, and it is prohibited to smoke in the tunnel ;-)
confirmationabout 5 years ago
Still legal, dry spot. Although sometimes water leaks through the ceiling. Accessible by public transport. Room for about 15 pieces. No crossing and clean your trash afterwards please.
confirmationover 4 years ago
Tight tunnel. Be carefull of bikers.
confirmationabout 3 years ago
Be carefull of bikers, besides that it's legal to paint here in the insides of the tunnels. Not much room at the time of writing this though. Nice and dry furthermore.
confirmationover 1 year ago
Had fun, i can recommend this place
confirmation9 months ago
This place is very chill and relaxed to paint
confirmation7 months ago
Fijne tunneltje om te painte maar je moet echt goed uit kijken daar fietsers en wielrenners die rijden moeilijk hard erdoorheen ook scooters! Dus pas goed op daar! En trek je niks aan van azijn zeikerds! Gewoon negeren en je ding doen
Is this wall still safe to paint?