
Legal graffiti wall in Utrecht, Netherlands


Hall of Fame unter Galecopperbrug, next to the Ikea


It's open again, no worries

One side is surrounded with fences but the other side is still safe to paint.

There are some workers now busy with the bridge till end of 2023 and a big part of the legal concrete wall is closed. In consultation with the construction company, Rijkswaterstaat and Graffitifun: legal extra construction fences like big wood panels have been placed which will be legal to paint in the coming 1-2 years. So the extra wood fences about 80 meters extra are legal to paint thx to graffitifun.nl

Still legal. Went there yesterday and all good

Place is stille safe and nice to paint personal-artist.nl/graffiti-locaties

The place is open for legal graffiti sprayin (only on the bridge walls and wood panels (not on the pilars other side of the bridge!) graffiti-aanbieders.nl

Is this wall still safe to paint?