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Parco Albanese della Bissuola

Legal graffiti wall in Venezia, Italy


A big park in the center of Mestre, an historical hall of fame. Here took place Meeting of Styles Italy 2009 and 2010. Permissions owned by Urban Code ( Respect the place, no free painting, no tags. Before coming ask permission via e-mail: How to reach Parco della Bissuola Hall of Fame: Train: Railway Station of Venezia-Mestre or Venezia Santa Lucia. Auto: GPS Parco Albanese Bissuola: 45° 30.00 N – 012° 15.46 E. Park: via Casona, via Rielta, via Po, via Tevere. Bus from Venice: lines 12, 24 stop via Casona; line 12/ stop via Bissuola; line2 4, 4/ stop via Rielta. Bus from Mestre: lines 4, 4/, 14, 15, stop in via Rielta; lines 12, 13 stop via Casona; lines 12/, 31, 32 stop via Bissuola.

Still not legal to paint there!

Google earth of the spot

Is this wall still safe to paint?