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addedover 8 years ago
this it the only legal wall we have down here. centro comercial mirramar, it is right next door. it is in a skatepark so you always have spectators but its completely legal so no problems with the police.
confirmationover 7 years ago
I've been there 1 week ago.. nice place.. good wall and no trouble..
confirmationover 4 years ago
Apparently have to ask council and they give you a spot. Last time I was there they buffed it about every 4 weeks. And had to apply. Not sure if it's the same. My mate went over some.spanish kid and he weren't happy. Obviously we handled the situation.
confirmationover 4 years ago
Also if you walk along the beach front from Fuengirola to Los Bolisches there's a few lil bridges along the way with about 4-6 walls in each. Was always legal back in the day. Shit on a windy day though as they lead onto beach so if there a breeze from the sea your paint ain't going on the wall.
confirmationalmost 2 years ago
legal, paint there a couple of times, cops don't seem to care, obviously still be careful, dont paint too far, there is obv a out of bounds. the 100% safe part is right behing the skatepark, near the benches. nice chill spot
confirmationalmost 2 years ago
Really good wall nice people!! Check it out on here
confirmationabout 1 year ago
Good wall. Lots of children in skate park but still pretty nice chill spot
report6 months ago
Me pillaron unos policias y me llego una multa
confirmation3 months ago
Legal wall at the skatepark. Nice place to hang out and paint.
Is this wall still safe to paint?