All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedover 8 years ago
sehr grosse und sehr saubere hall.....
confirmationover 8 years ago
The website of the city of Marl states that the parking lot is legal for graffiti. Permission from the Skulpturenmuseum required.
reportover 4 years ago
is it not every time legal, you must do it on days, where its legal or just get a license
reportalmost 4 years ago
Das Rathaus in Marl wird umfangreich saniert. Die Wände sind deshalb nicht erreichbar und somit nicht machbar. Ob die Wand 2022 wieder zu bemalen ist, weiß im Moment niemand.
reportalmost 2 years ago
Immer noch nicht wieder zugänglich. Sanierung des Umfeldes dauert an.
Is this wall still safe to paint?