All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedalmost 14 years ago
Relaxed Wall, chilled atmosphere... Our Walls are about 8 meters hig and youv got 334 meters to paint ! The NSE Crew established ths Wall
confirmationalmost 14 years ago
jo, ist ne richtig gute fame. war schon oft dort, sehr entspannt und viel fläche und ein alter eisenbahntunnel, wenn es regnet kann man dort malen. kann man nur empfehlen diese hall. mfg
reportabout 7 years ago
If you paint there and the police see you, you will get in trouble because there are always cops how are ther to safe the border to Austria, so they don't know the city. I got reported for damage, we will see wich kind of letter will come. Cops were really bad, and I am fucked up, chased for doing nothing illegal.
confirmationabout 7 years ago
Ok, the city of Passau confirmed to the police that the wall is legal. But I have/had a lot of stress anyway! The police even tooked phots of me and the piece. So be attentive!
confirmation6 months ago
man kann auch bei bluetomato in der stadtgalerie seine dosen kaufen, und gleich nachfragen ob die wand legal ist. sie werden ja sagen. Genauso kann man bei der stadt nachfragen.
confirmation4 months ago
Even an official Sign of the City that you are allowed to paint
Is this wall still safe to paint?