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addedover 14 years ago
A flood wall that runs along the side of the Tweed river, stretching for about 2kms and a average height of 2m. the water side of the wall is completly legal, but the trees and road side are NOT!!! When entering murwillumbah over the bridge you will be able to see the wall runing to your left. Thanks to tony the owner of PHARSIDE skate shop in the small town this wall is legal and has been for some years. Please respect the artwork on these walls and to go over history, more to the end of the wall is often painted weekly.
confirmationover 14 years ago
this wall is awesome can any one spray there
confirmationover 12 years ago
community art at it's best
confirmationover 12 years ago
beautiful work community art at it's best
confirmationover 11 years ago
See Tony @ Pharside
reportalmost 3 years ago
Please note, there is a section of the river side of the levee wall which is still legal, but the section of the wall running from the bridge upstream (that's facing south, opposite the RSL), is a public mural called "Ages of The Tweed", painted and maintained by a local non-profit group called A number of local artists were commissioned to paint it. It is public art, and should not be tagged, overwitten or painted over. Tony from Pharside also advises Earth Learning on maintaining the mural. There is a LEGAL section of the riveside section of the levee wall at the far south end of the wall, past the end of the "Ages of The Tweed" mural. It's pretty easy to see where the grafitti wall starts. There is also a section of the levee wall on the downstream (north east) side of the bridge with "Welcome to Murwillumbah" painted on it. Please don't tag or overwrite this section, either. And as already stated in another comment above, the Commercial Rd side of the levee is NOT LEGAL to paint. Another public art work called "Treasures of the Tweed" has been painted along there.
Is this wall still safe to paint?