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addedover 15 years ago
Große Fabrikhalle, am besten zu erreichen mit den Straßenbahnlinien 712 und 719.
reportover 15 years ago
i was painting this wall and got problems with police of Dusseldorf, they told me to leave. It was not possible to finish my piece. a fat guy with a dog was walking around and looks angry, i think he called the police. sunday november 8 2009
confirmationalmost 15 years ago
i paint there over 10 years and had no problems with police only with neighbours because the garbage (try to leave with your garbage thx)
confirmationalmost 15 years ago
It's still TOTALLY OK to paint there, since more than 10 years indeed. Still, I do know one case where actually the Police didn't know this and there were some minor problems due to that. In the end, they had to drop the charges because the police were wrong. So don't worry and clean up your garbage ;o)
confirmationover 13 years ago
i was there some days ago, we didn't paint, but it looked good. you know, theres one side at the street, and you can walk around. one side is placed to the forest and the tramrails... at the backside, theres really much rubbish laying around (old cans, caps and other stuff....) but still ok!
confirmationover 7 years ago
legal wall
confirmationover 7 years ago
painting there on a regular base, never had problems
confirmationalmost 7 years ago
It is legal.
confirmationalmost 7 years ago
This Wall has never been legal by the Council, but its allways been tollerated by the owner of the building. I have been painting there since 2003/04 and only got in trouble because the local residents or kids think its funny to call the Cops... When the Police shows up just tell them, that the storage hall is property of "Junges Schauspielhaus" and they tollerate it. Maybe they will check your ID and will send you away, but you will never face legal difficulties. Cheers and have Fun:)
confirmationabout 4 years ago
Its not legal but okay. Its a hall from the theater but the hall is there since at least 30 years. So noboy cares. It is good for beginners and long painting days.
confirmationover 3 years ago
It is officially legal since four weeks due to the verbunt association
confirmationabout 3 years ago
Legal wall. Official! You can paint there but please don’t leave your garbage there. In case if the place will ruined by empty cans and garbage maybe the walls will be not legal anymore.
Is this wall still safe to paint?