Geldern Hall

Legal graffiti wall in Geldern, Germany


Legal Wall, get bothered sometimes. Tell anybody who asks to speak with mrs. Hellmann of the City. 1x 35 meters Next Can Store: Troya-Tapez Aachenerstrasse 19 41061 Mönchengladbach Blacks,Golds,Belton,Ironlak, Kobra Cans, Platinum, Sparvar and Cheapocans+Equipment!!!

Nur legal mit Genimigung der Stadt Geldern.

No permission necessary! There are plenty of legal walls free to paint. Something like 20 big and 5 smaller Spots. You can paint on 3 sides of the big gym-building, on the sides of the skatepark-ramps and at the school across the meadow. can stores nearby: RADIKAL Bikes in Rheinberg - de verfzaak in Venlo

Troya-Tapez has moved to Grefrather Str. 30, 47669 Wachtendonk, but only opens on request. You can order the cans at and they send them by mail or you can pick them up in Wachtendonk when you live nearby.

Is this wall still safe to paint?

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