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addedalmost 16 years ago
The HOF was organised and legalised for the now legendary Cans Festival 1 & 2 in May and August 2008 by the infamous Banksy himself. It's a 200-hundred-metre-long tunnel under Waterloo train Station. The biggest legal wall in London. Avoid painting in the afternoon due to some gangs of bored teenagers looking for mischief and free paint. Come and start early in the morning to finish around 2 o'clock in the afternoon otherwise it may become an unpleasant experience.
confirmationalmost 16 years ago
Not a writer myself, but take lots of photos of graffiti in Longon. I thought the general quality was not high at all. Lots of pieces but all gone over by kids. Whole alley was mainly throw ups, and looks like anything good might not last a week - but I could have gone at the wrong time, so make your own mind up. I would think this situation would stop most people putting there time and effort into painting here. Agree with above looks like a bored teenager and tourist magnet. However after all that its so easy to get to, and worth a visit when you're in London
confirmationover 14 years ago
Google Street View of the London Graffiti Tunnel:,-0.1152639,3a,75y,135.54h,90.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgNZuGJBSUDscH2ouDFHcyA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
confirmationover 14 years ago
Good shout on the "getting there early" tip. Last time I rolled down then, just about to set up and got fronted by 3 youths, chatting shit about this is there "manor"
confirmationover 14 years ago
I was here fiming a crew I know painting yesterday (29/08/10) ALL DAY (12-7). It was great! Had no problems at all and the London graffiti tunnel was really busy with general public, tourists and all sorts of people walking through taking photos, chatting and smiling. The police and community support officers were walking through all the time and were really friendly. I did see CCTV cameras but wasn't sure if they worked. In short, I had a wicked day and there were no problems. Thanks Leake Street!
confirmationover 11 years ago
Great place; I'm about as much use with a spray can as a cod driving a tractor, but I love photographing the spectacular work that gets put up, and meeting the invariably friendly artists that make this pace so special.
confirmationover 12 years ago
painted the London graffiti tunnel several times, amazing place unless you hate talking to the occasional tourist, did get stopped by the BTP for the first time last month but after conformation about it being legal they just left us alone. there is cctv but its long been sprayed over take a ladder and you can easily get a piece up for years, theres and MBW piece thats been up since 2008
confirmationover 12 years ago
kids will steal your paint. bad experience. didnt get to finish my piece. 5 cans got stolen. find a shop owner near Brick Lane for permission to paint.
confirmationabout 12 years ago
Visited london this weekend and made a point to visit leake street graffiti tunnel. Seen a few artists doing great pieces without any hassle. Was a homeless man sleeping there but seemed harmless. Like others have said work there doesn't last long before next man is going over it but definitely worth a visit :)
confirmationabout 12 years ago
Been to Leake St late at night with a car meet and it is indeed a legal and tolerated area (it's owned by network rail who only allow pedestrian through traffic). Didn't have any problems and in fact a few members of the public were walking through. Really good pieces around though, the best I've seen.
confirmationalmost 11 years ago
20/04/2014 I was painting Leake Street Graffiti Tunnel. You can easily paint there without permission or something like that ! In a sideway in the tunnel, there is a strange artist gallery. The "Gangs of bored teenagers" just asked about some caps for there piece, but I was not alone there. The advice to come early is good, especally when you are from Germany ;)
confirmationalmost 10 years ago
Been there. Totally legal and really big. Lots of space to find a spot.
confirmationabout 9 years ago
I have painted a dozen pieces over the last 4 years here and it is absolutely safe and legal. Extra safe even in that even walking policemen will be passing every now and again, absolutely unbothered by what happens on the wall... No need for any permission or experience, just get there and do your thing!
confirmationabout 8 years ago
I didn't expect to find this tunnel, but I took a wrong turn and was amazed to find wall to ceiling graffiti of varying skill levels and quality. There were artists actively spraying as I walked through. Some kids smoking pot, garbage all over, and two makeshift raves all lent an odd feel to the ambiance, but I still highly enjoyed the experience.
confirmationabout 8 years ago
Its a good place. Only thing what makes me sad about this is stupid kids drinking and smoking pot and leaving this place full of garbage. This place should be better but its safe.
confirmationover 5 years ago
Very safe spot in 2019.
confirmationover 5 years ago
Super nice and safe spot.
confirmationabout 5 years ago
Go there all the time and haven't had 1 bad experience yet. Safest spot in London probably.
confirmationover 4 years ago
Still a safe spot. Loads of tourists so expect them to be curious and take pics. Just be careful as feds and security guards walk thru but they happy as long as you keep down the weed and drugs.
confirmationalmost 3 years ago
Still active with many artists painting everyday and people hanging out in the tunnel. Sometimes there are group dancing classes (?) occupying the wider part near the entrance and they play music near the evening. In general the area feels safe most of the time.
confirmationalmost 2 years ago
I organised a visit of London for some friends and added the Grafitti Tunnel last minute. We arrived early from Waterloo station (around 10:30am on 24/04/23). 2 families, 3 adults and 7 children from 6 to 16 yo. A crew was painting a big portion with cameras. Very nice experience and put a street twist to our monument visit of London. Children loved it. Will go again
confirmationover 1 year ago
I’ve been living in London for 25 years and only yesterday have found this amazing place, walking through the new exit from the Waterloo station to the London eye! Apart of the hugely painted arch, there is also a very interesting American pub inside the arch with a funny interior and friendly staff. People were painting at the side of the arches turn and a security man was there. Must see place if you visit London! Very enjoyable!
Is this wall still safe to paint?