Free Wall

Legal graffiti wall in Eugene, United States


The Art Team of the Whiteaker Community Council (WCAT) is excited to announce the installation of the Free Wall Project, which is funded by the Oregon Health Authority, CDC Foundation, The City of Eugene, and Whiteaker community artists and businesses. It will serve as a freestanding art wall where people are empowered to spray paint, wheatpaste, stencil, or engage in any other form of creative expression in a city-sanctioned way. You can find the Free Wall across from Skinner City Farm along the bike path.

Still a nice and legal wall. Just be aware that it is more a mural than a style format. Koebes147

yeah!!! free the walls!!!

I have hit it up 3 times in the past 2 months. It's a small wall, but still free to practice on.

Is this wall still safe to paint?

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