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Santee Public Gallery

Legal graffiti wall in Los Angeles, United States


This 4-acre public art space was founded in 2018. In partnership with building/business owners, LAPD, and The Fashion District, ANY artist is able to paint here, free, 24/7/365. You may text me for more information (818) 876-2907 or visit us on Instagram @santeepublicgallery

vending machine is 24/7 accessible have fun and keep it clean and fair wins

this person does not represent the businesses to say this

We did some pieces the other day for 3 hours, no problems no complaints. We were respectful of the space and other artists that were clearly commissioned.

This is from Jason Saboury, founder and curator of Santee Public Gallery, the space is now open to paint from 7am-7pm Weekends and Holidays. Please be respectful of the business/building owners as they are the ones who directly support us being able to paint free and legal. You can DM me, please no phone calls or texts. I’m still in contact with the LAPD to ensure governing officials are aware of artists creating in this 4 acre space. I wanted to thank this platform and the people who use it for their contributions to Santee Public Gallery and our success over these past five years.

This is from Jason Saboury, founder and curator of Santee Public Gallery. We still have walls available to paint but you must contact me as we have temporarily changed to “By Appointment Only”. Thank you for your understanding and support over the years!

Is this wall still safe to paint?