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addedalmost 14 years ago
Leeside is named after the skater/writer Lee Matasi AKA AVERS (RIP). Its a pretty big tunnel, 2 sides to paint on. either there will be lots of toy shit, lots of king shit, or just throwups and random pieces, depends on the time. you wont be bugged since it is one of the few legal spots in vancouver - as long as you paint inside the tunnel, the walls outside of it usualy get painted but they are illegal so beware. bring a camera, nothing stays for long, and if it does toys will come a long and write in your piece with sharpies. to get there just take any bus going East on Hastings st, and get off at the end of the PNE go down to the tracks and go to the tunnel.
confirmationalmost 14 years ago
leeside is awesome i just painted a peice there few night ago, went bak in the day and spent a couple hours finishin touch ups n stuff.its completely legal and right now theres tons a space but anything down there will be capped so get ur fliks! also dont paint the outside, that gets buffed the police will be called u will be arrested!
confirmationabout 12 years ago
please have some respect for this spot as a skate spot as well as a paint spot. please try to avoid painting on the transitions as this can be extremely treacherous for skateboarders. take all of your refuse away with you when you are finished. this includes your empty cans, caps and nozzles. lee would probably have wanted skaters and painters to coexist.
confirmationover 10 years ago
dis spot iz swag
reportabout 7 years ago
i was arrested
confirmationalmost 6 years ago
I come over from victoria to paint here. Awesome spot, super chill. people walkin there dogs, kids skating. Everyone loves it, just keep the paint in the tunnel and legal.
confirmationalmost 6 years ago
it's a pretty good spot but some kids always paint over anything and put their tag on it saying it's their piece
confirmationover 5 years ago
I had no problems people walking past no troubles was some homeless sleeping inside even though it was well past 12 but overall sick spot
confirmationover 5 years ago
i got jumped by hells angle i guess its safe and there was like 10 year olds tagging over peices so like watch out
confirmationover 5 years ago
Went here yesterday was chill
confirmationover 3 years ago
Great wall and lots of good Piecesđź‘Ť
confirmationalmost 3 years ago
Went here on a date yesterday it was amazing I couldn’t believe all the amazing artwork
Is this wall still safe to paint?