Rotor Hall Of Fame

Legal graffiti wall in Zagreb, Croatia


Take tram 14 from main square in Zagreb - Trg bana Jelacica and ask someone to tell you to get off on Rotor. *Don't cross anything without question

I cannot confirm this. The walls underneath the roundabout and along the tram lines are covered with graff but most of it is pretty old and shabby. This does not look legal to me at all, I would not paint here.

Today we painted seemed to be not legal But although not illegal. The owner From the local Graffiti store recomended us this place and all people who passed and saw us dident seem to be surprised or wondered. So paint there in one of the five tunnels nobody cares

This wall is noth here any more (2020) the new rotor has been made so u cant paint onit any more. But u can go palces under the rotor and paiint some where alse


They renovated the whole place

The situation changed lately because the whole place was renovated. It is not legal to paint in the underpasses bit it is 100% legal to paint walls which are surrounding the tram station. Confirmed by the local guy. Btw there is huge number of legal walls in Zagreb so if you are visiting and want to paint legally just find some locals and they will point you where to go :)

Is this wall still safe to paint?