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addedover 5 years ago
Three walls along the road, primarily used for advertising student events, posting political messages and more on one wall, and primarily for artistic designs on the other two (although the second and third walls can also contain political content if the creator wishes.) No permit required, but respect the public space. Nudity and other explicit content will likely be erased. Exact wall size unknown - guess is about 8x15 feet, or 2.4x4.6 meters each. Accessible by sidewalk.
confirmationalmost 4 years ago
It’s always overtaken by ohio university’s liberal students wanting to spread a political message, which is fine. Just saying, if you wanna throw up a sick piece, it will be covered up within a couple weeks or less by some angry college hardcore liberal agenda bullshit clubs and whatnot. SOURCE: I used to go to school there! It’s great that they have this wall. I just wish more graffiti artists would cover up the political garbage they put on there. I tagged that wall once or twice and it was covered up immediately by some lecture about trump.
confirmationover 3 years ago
cool place; really nice locals
Is this wall still safe to paint?