All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedover 6 years ago
Gym where you can paint two sides. Easy to get there by car. No permit needed. More Information:
confirmationover 2 years ago
Darf nur zu bestimmten Zeiten bemalt werden aufgrund von Unterricht in der Sporthalle, kein Fitnessstudio sondern eine Schuleinrichtung. Müll mitnehmen ansonsten alles coolio, besonders hoch frequentiert und wenn nicht darauf geachtet wird, die Rest Dosen mitzunehmen ist das Kunstwerk im nu durch Kinder Hände oder andersartige Fremdeinwirkung Ruck zuck zerstört.
confirmationover 1 year ago
Update: Here you´ll find more information regarding all legal wall in Erfurt:
Is this wall still safe to paint?