All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedover 16 years ago
small wall 40-50ft long, less than 6ft high.
confirmationover 16 years ago
oh cool, i cant wait to do a piece less than 6ft high !
reportover 11 years ago
The information provide below are no longer correct. Spray or make graffiti on the area is illegal under current legislation (call Swindon Council if don't believe)
reportover 11 years ago
Swindon Borough Council states that this area is not legal to paint.
reportalmost 4 years ago
Council property. Not really suitable as it's a busy play park in a residential area. Disturbing to residents of block of flats directly behind it and police get involved if loud music is played.
confirmationabout 2 years ago
For over a decade SBC and the police have not taken any action against people here. The police have walked by people doing graff here and not taken ANY notice. SBC may say it's not legal but the police say otherwise.
confirmationabout 2 years ago
Though previous statements claim it is not legal, the residents have never claimed to have a problem and police do not interfere or have an issue with anyone painting here.
confirmation9 months ago
Painted here over the weekend no problem, don’t listen to that Karen above. Perfectly okay to paint enjoy!!
Is this wall still safe to paint?