Darmstadt, Lincoln Wall

Legal graffiti wall in Darmstadt, Germany


The wall ist legal since Juli 2016, more Informations here: facebook.com/events/1734675710141687 The wall ist 600m long. You can find the wall here: 49.850251, 8.642180

Here the first pictures from the wall. dosenkunst.wordpress.com/2016/07/17/darmstadt-lincoln-wall-opening-2016-22

This very long legal wall is after the rebuild of the area around still safe and legal. In September 2018 there was another Lincoln Wall Jam. Pictures you can find here: dosenkunst.de/2018/09/09/graffiti-in-darmstadt-lincoln-wall-jam-2018-work-in-progress

Still legal, no permit needed.

Nothing changed

Still Safe. Everything legal and organized

Still legal

Very long and legal wall with a beginners section

Is this wall still safe to paint?