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addedover 8 years ago
When you walk into the estate go in the double gate to the left and walk along the reliance. The wall would be about 12 ft+ in height. In length it would be about the size of a football pitch. you cant see the side wall from the street view but its about the half the length as the front. You wont get hassled but you may have a kid spectator every now and then. They may try take a can or two if they're lying around.
confirmationover 8 years ago
Grand spot!
confirmationover 6 years ago
great wall
confirmationover 6 years ago
A corner wall. Made of stone, lots of space. A a bit worn out but it's there.
confirmationover 6 years ago
great wall asked the guard about it they said its fine to paint there
confirmationabout 6 years ago
Still legal. Nice big wall
confirmation9 months ago
Still alright to paint there
Is this wall still safe to paint?