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addedover 11 years ago
Directly across from City Skate. Located on North Terrace, this is a great wall.
confirmationover 11 years ago
Ever changing wall that always contains quality.
confirmationabout 11 years ago
Good wall! I wish there was a few around the suburbs though
reportover 6 years ago
Wall has been knocked over
confirmationover 6 years ago
Wall hasn't been knocked over, still able to paint underneath bridge and on side.
confirmationalmost 6 years ago
Yes this wall is verry safe to paint and it also lets people do graffiti
confirmationover 4 years ago
This wall continues around the corner under the bridge and everyday there are new additions to it. Its really cool, makes the tram ride into the city enjoyable.
confirmationover 2 years ago
still an active spot for graffiti! new paintings all the time under and along the sides of the bridge, super cool spot.
confirmationalmost 2 years ago
Still popular with writers painting
confirmationover 1 year ago
Just painted a piece there and is a very good wall. Met some other artists there as well that were very nice.
Is this wall still safe to paint?