All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedalmost 10 years ago
around a school, in this area, think its pretty exact. totally ok to paint, about 6.5 ft tall, very long indeed. go down the beach after. its a short walk. zygg. ot.
confirmationalmost 10 years ago
A decent wall! No probs with any authorities!
reportalmost 9 years ago
The previous comment (in french) states that the wall has been repainted. He talked to the owner which said it was no problem to paint so he did. I just visited this wall and one month later it still only has a few tags and quick pieces on it. Would recommend to first check it's legality again. Please report back if you know more. Here's a streetview from 2015, where the wall was fully painted:
confirmationabout 9 years ago
Un énorme mur, fraichement (re)peint lors de mon arrivée, ce qui m'a mis le doute sur la légalité du lieu, doute renforcé lorsque j'ai vu que le seul graff présent sur le mur en était resté au stade d'esquisse, je suis allé parler au chef du chantier (chantier auquel appartient le mur), et il m'a dit que ça ne posait pas de problème. J'ai donc peint un gros flop sur un mur de plus de 150m de long qui longe une avenue frequentée et je n'ai eu aucun problème que ce soit avec les autorités ou les passants. Conclusion, un mur certainement encore légal et très bien exposé, je recommande! Peace.
reportalmost 8 years ago
now I see there only bombings,t-ups,tags and one grey backgraound on whole wall, looks illegal
confirmationalmost 4 years ago
It's completely fine!
confirmationover 2 years ago
very nice!
confirmationover 2 years ago
Still 100% legal, nice pieces.
confirmationover 1 year ago
Still legal. Easy to get there. Nice productions.
confirmation11 months ago
Easy and Chill area
confirmation9 months ago
sunny wall + I recommend local mtn shop -nice guy who sell
Is this wall still safe to paint?