Wildstyle-Shop Wall

Legal graffiti wall in Berlin, Germany


Take the metro U7 to the station "Haselhorst". The wall belongs to wildstyleshop.com. I've been there 2 years ago, so I don't know if the wall is still open for painting.

the wall is still legal! (4sure!) yesterday i painted there! but you have 2 take ure emty cans with u! c u there! fertone!

umust buy a member card and u must accept the licence

Lagerweg, 13599 Berlin, Germany

This wall is still legal. It's pretty easy to find. Just leave the metro station in direction of "Lagerweg". Walk a few meters and then turn left. You should see the wall on the right side of the street now. The left part is not legal. Locals told me that the owners will call the police if you paint there. Right wall is legal but you have to be some kind of member at the shop. If you're from abroad you might get around this by asking kindly. Very chilled to paint, no hassle. Drawback is that there are mainly bad graffs and your piece doesn't get much attention. The guys at the shop (which are very nice by the way) didn't know any other walls in Berlin. But a local told me that there are 10 to 15 other walls around. The guys of overkillshop.com wrote that they have maps to 4 other walls. So if you want to paint somewhere else, just ask the locals. You'll find a legal wall for sure.

Still legal in 2013. Lots of space.

The officel Graffiti Hall of Fame o Wildstyle Shop the first graffiti store from Europe are still Running since 1991. Every Year is this Spot the place to be for real style Kings. 3 times in a year is this Wall the location for berlin biggest Style Battle Event "100 DOSEN BATTLE" by wildstyleshop.com the 1 Place Win 100 cans. This year we are open the Train Yard Hall of Fame. On a part of the wall are build a 15m Train with Doors and windows. A licens to paint you get at the ldstyle shop

safe in 2021

wehn ya metting a lot of persons and styles than go to this wall, pleased me with ecoisa.org to find tath place. Peace re Opening not for 2023-2ß024

Is this wall still safe to paint?